Ross Production Services currently operates ten trucks with powerful, compact, best-in-class broadcast systems that are highly interoperable and have been designed to work together seamlessly and sustainably.
Ross Production Services operates multiple custom-made flypack systems that feature the most current and innovative Ross products.
Ross Production Services has invested in acquiring and integrating a vast array of specialized equipment available to add to your production or rent separately.
The Ross Production Services integrated graphics workflow is built on the industry-standard XPression real-time motion graphics platform, providing creativity and efficiency for designers and operators alike.
Ross Production Services is one of the premier production service companies in the world. Our team can deliver the right resources and the right staff wherever you need them.
Ross Production Services operates three control rooms and we have the resources to tap into the best pool of directors, creatives, and technical crew.
Ross Production Services is a full-service international production company, and esports is a major focus for us. We have produced events for some of the world’s most popular esports games.
Our Remote Production Solution includes a combination of physical devices in our control room that can all be controlled remotely and also integrates broadcast-quality remote transport.
Need crew members for your event? Our full-time crewer can find someone local to your area for your production. We also make invoicing easy and intuitive with RPS payrolling.